acetic acid 2.85
Indole -3- acetic acid 0.07 %
Indole-3- butyric acid 0.08 %
Fijrotic is a physiological compound that contains a high
rate of Auxins in 3 forms which works on stimulating and fixing the flowering,
increasing and fixing the fruit formation, increasing the resistance to the
cold and frost, decreasing the natural falling of the flowers and fruits and
also the flowering clusters.
Also it works as root stimulator when it is added to the
irrigation water. It activates the cell division then it is used in the tissue
culture and it stimulates the root growth at the greenhouse plant by dipping
the cuttings in a solution of the Fijrotic from 150 to200 ppm.
Note: this compound stimulates the flowering then the plant appears to
be wilt for a period of 24 to 48 hours. It is also recommended to be applied
directly after the irrigation also it increases the rate of the fertilizing and
it is not used in case of thirst.